Contour Diabetes App: Initial Setup
Once I got familiar with the Contour app, I noticed that one area that could use a re-design was the initial setup. As the user's first introduction to the app, the setup should be clean, quick, and helpful. After talking with the team, they agreed to tackle this project, keeping in mind the following:
Optimize the initial setup for users
Minimize development time and disruption
Maintain business and medical requirements
Problems with the original flow:
Users had to go through 36 mandatory screens during setup
There were multiple unnecessary confirmation screens
Several screens had the same information or functions
Pairing was required in the setup, so if there were errors or the user didn't have a meter, they couldn't experience the app
The app and meter setup were combined, so it wasn't clear which was being set up
Business and medical requirements:
User sets up an account
User needs to have the option to fill out a profile
User needs to know they are confirming default preferences or have the option to change them
User should have the option to pair a meter
No change to the overall look and feel